Websites don't have to be alien technology.

Let's get to work.

Case Study

Fire This Time Fund

Launch Date: January, 2010

Fire This Time Fund was a four year old, all volunteer organized, independent giving circle. They supported small-scale, creative social change projects initiated by local artists, educators and organizers who weave an analysis of racial, economic, social, environmental, or gender justice into their work.


  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Circle Member


  • Expression Engine

Fire This Time Fund Preview

Radical Grant Giving


When I joined Fire This Time as a giving circle member, they had no online presence to tell their story or provide resources to other non-traditional philanthropic initiatives in the country.

Recognizing this need, I volunteered my website design services to provide an online hub that described their guiding principles, linked the application form with annual deadlines, and posted relevant resources and journalism articles.

Providing Historical Context


Having no website, the organization had no way of showing what kind of projects were funded in past. We created an annual directory of grant recipients that showcased the diversity and breadth of the organizations supported over the years.

This directory provided descriptions of each grantee and linked to their websites when possible so others could learn more about them and get involved with funded projects.

When the fund ended, I took the website off a Content Management System and made a static html site hosted on Github Pages so this history could continue to be told without the need to pay for hosting.

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