I have been a resident in Chicago in the Pilsen neighborhood for over 20 years. I coded and launched my first website in 2003, and wow has a lot changed since. The face-paced nature of tech over the years always has me learning how new tools can empower designers to create and build.
Lately I've been finding enjoyment disconnecting. Turning off the screen and developing a clay practice at Gnarware Workshop working with one of the most powerful tools — our hands.
Below you can read more about my volunteer work and interests including my involvement in grassroots giving initiatives that created micro grants for under-represented and under-served communities in Chicago working in the arts and towards social justice.
Gnarware Workshop + the Hyde Park Art Center partnered to sell handmade ceramic bowls at Gallery 400 (UIC) raising over $5,000 for organizations that create food accessibility in Chicago (Pilsen Food Pantry, the UIC Food Pantry, The Love Fridge Chicago, McKinley Park Mutual Aid, and PMI Community Kitchen).
Donated work for sale + assisted the gallery with in-person sales + order pick-ups the day of the event.
Since its founding in 2005, Chances Dances has sought to create a safe space for all gender expressions by bringing together the varied LGBTIQ communities of Chicago. The creation of the Critical Fierceness grant expanded upon this goal by offering a unique platform, funding queer thinking and expression through art made by individuals or groups who identify themselves or their work as queer. The Critical Fierceness Grant supported the development and realization of queer artwork through project-based financial assistance of up to $500, funded by donations, bar proceeds, and admission to our resident monthly events at Subterranean and Dannys Tavern.
Funding was further expanded with the Mark Aguhar Memorial Grant: Chicago's first grant for trans-identified artists of color.
As a founding organizer, I sat on the selection committee that reviewed and awarded grants each cycle.
Dimensions: 6.75 x 9", 252 pages
Materials: Paperback, full color
Platforms: Ten Years of Chances Dances features work from the citywide retrospective of the same name commemorating a decade of queer nightlife, artworks and interventions by Chances organizers, community members, and Critical Fierceness grantees and finalists. The Platforms catalogue, published at the end of 2015, features full color documentation of all eight Platforms exhibitions, the three-month schedule of performances and parties, and ephemera from Chances' ten-year herstory.
The AIGA Chicago Mentor Program offers creatives from across disciplines a safe space to gather and share insights, experiences and resources. With the support from our community, we are able to curate our mentor programming. This program helps guide and grow designers at any level of experience through focused mentor groups that are based on our community’s needs.
Fire This Time Fund is an all volunteer organized, independent giving circle. It supported small-scale, creative social change projects initiated by local artists, educators and organizers who weave an analysis of racial, economic, social, environmental, or gender justice into their work.
The fund prioritized the channeling of project-based funds to informal groups working in atypical ways, inside and outside of the non-profit model, without access or ties to extensive institutional support.
I launched QueerKit, a website showcasing and mobilizing queer brilliance, in 2003 as a resource for alternative LGBTQ culture. It featured interviews, band biographies + tour dates, a directory of queer-friendly venues, a forum, and artist profiles and gallery openings.
I covered Allison Smith's, The Muster in NYC, interviewed AA Bronson (from Canadian art collective, General Idea), interviewed Kief Hillsbery (author of Warboy), and traveled to Olympia, WA for Homo-a-gogo.
Prior to social media (Facebook launched in 2004), this was a unique networking opportunity for queer people across the world.
“The clash of ideas brings forth the spark of truth” —Aboriginal proverb
In every issue of *spark-online we apply this principle to our idea that the new world of high technology has not only created a new "e-society"—it has created a new understanding of self. We call this new understanding of self, "electronic consciousness." Technology hasn’t changed only our societies—it has fundamentally changed us. *spark-online is at the vanguard of recognizing, and attempting to understand this change.
GravityTank (Aquired by SalesForce in 2014)
Non-profit technology study participant.
Chicago Public Schools
Lane credit courses for CPS teachers with Beyondmedia Education.
Beyondmedia Education's 3rd Annual Youth Summit @ Columbia College
Youth workshop facilitator
The Other Guantanamo Work-in-Progress Screening
PO BOX Collective - Chicago, IL
The Other Guantanamo Work-in-Progress Screening
Screen Test | Berger Park Cultural Center - Chicago, IL
(Chicago Park District + Roman Susan Gallery)
Gene Siskel Film Center - Chicago, IL
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Cinema Mostra AIDS | Sao Paulo, Brazil
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Q! Film Festival, Makassar | Sulawesi, Indonesia
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Provincetown International Film Festival | Provincetown, MA
Common Sense Media, Yahoo + MTV Chicago | The Field Museum
Designed accompanying website for the event.
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Merlinka International Queer Film Festival - Belgrade, Serbia
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Q! Film Festival - Jakarta, Indonesia
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Frameline Film Festival - San Francisco, CA
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
National Museum of Mexican Art - Chicago, IL
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Humboldt Film Festival - Arcata, CA
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Urban Suburban Film Festival - Philadelphia, PA
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
Austin Gay + Lesbian Film Festival - Austin, TX
"Condom Sense for Some Chicago Public Schools" - Broadcast WBEZ - Chicago, IL
Designed accompanying website for the event in collaboration with Chicago Public Schools + Howard Brown Health Center.
HIV: Hey, It's Viral - Official Selection
National LGBTI Health Summit - Washington, DC